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Russian AK rifles, such as the AK47, SVD, or the VSS Vintorez has rails on the left side of the receiver (see photo below). That rail is meant for the PSO-1 4x24 telescopic sight. However, that scope is quite rare for the real firearms or the airsoft rifles.
Instead, there are tons of red dot sights and magnification scopes for the American Picatinny weaver rail standards. So the Cyma C.39 AK Gun Sight Support provides the bridge to mount generic sights onto the AK rifles. It adapts the Russian AK side rail to the Picatinny weaver top rail for the rifle.
The Cyma C.39 AK Gun Sight Support comes in a simple brown box (see photo below). A colorful label on it demonstrates the adapter on AK firearms.
The box contains only the rail adapter. Nothing else. It is a little disappointing that there is no instructions in the box, because the quick release is unintuitive for the uninitiated (we'll discuss this issue leter).
The Cyma C.39 AK Gun Sight Support is very well made. It's made out of metal and has a matte texture finish. It feels like a solid piece of metal with nothing loose.
The photo below shows the top rail. Notice that half of the rail is Picatinny spec, while the other half of the rail is weaver spec. I rather prefer it's Picatinny throughout like many other rails today.
Two hex screws mounts the top rail to the adapter. You can use 3mm hex wrenches to unscrew it. You can also rotates the top rail 180 degrees in this manner.
The photo above shows the inner side of the Cyma C.39 AD Gun Sight Support.
The metal quick release latch position shown below is the closed position. It doesn't look as beefy as the rest of the adapter, but it works.
You rotate it to the other side for the open position (see photo below).
The photograph below shows the quick release mechanism. The package doesn't come with instruction on how to adjust it, so it has taken me a while to figure it out. I'll explain so that you'll have the instructions.
To adjust it, push the spring-loaded rail locking mechanism down (relative to the photo above). That unlocks the top hat of the screw. Rotate the top hat clockwise to tighten. Rotate it counter-clockwise to loosen. It can be adjusted quarter turn at a time. When you are done, let go of the rail locking mechanism to lock the adjustment in place.
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