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Crosman makes speedloaders for airsoft guns. They look very similar to typical 90-100 round speedloaders, but there is a subtle innovation to them. In this article, we are going to review the Crosman Speedloader to help you decide whether they are worth purchasing.
We ordered the Corsman Speedloaders from Amazon (see "Related Links" below). They come two to a pack (see photo below) for about $6.50 with free Super Saver shiping. Crosman makes the mistake of using the word "clip" for "magazine"--a clip is not a magazine--on its packaging.
Unlike the typical speedloaders that are smoked translucent plastic, the Crosman speedloaders are white translucent plastic. It's actually easier to see the amount of BB's in the speedloader through the white translucent plastic than the smoked ones.
The Crosman speedloaders come with spring pistol magazine loading adapters. The following photo (of a typical speedloader) shows you how to use the adapter with a spring pistol magazine.
The Crosman speedloaders have something special that the typical speedloaders doesn't have. And that's the O-ring at the mouth of the speedloader (see photo below).
When you load BB's into a mid-cap via a typical speedloader, the last BB lingers on top of the magazine. It doesn't get loaded into the magazine, nor does it stay in the speed loader. So you'll have to either dump that extra BB back into your BB container or let it fall somewhere on the ground.
Crosman solves that problem with the O-ring. It holds the last BB at the mouth of the speedloader, preventing the extra BB problem.
A brand new Crosman speedloader works well. We are able to load the BB's into our magazine quickly. We really like the O-ring innovation that holds the last BB. That saves us time, because we don't have to deal with the last loose BB. And for a long time, we want to make the Crosman speedloader our exclusive speedloader, until...
We have the Crosman Speedloader for quite a while now. They work well when they first arrived. We really like the O-ring that holds the last BB at the mouth. However, the anti-reversal latch, which prevents BB's from going back into the speedloader seems to wear out very quickly. After a few weeks, the BB keeps coming back into the speedloader, making it frustrating to load BB's into mid-cap magazines.
When the anti-reversal latch wears out, the speedloader is basically junk. It's only useful for loading pistol magazines and, potentially, hackable into a Speed Unloader.
Make a Speed Unloader
Sadly, with this problem, the typical speedloader is actually more durable than the Crosman speedloader. Until Crosman fixes this problem, we will be sticking to the typical speedloader that works.
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