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The airsoft electronic gun AEG is really a fairly simple mechanical device with very little electronics to it. Using mechanical means, it can provide three selector modes: safe, semi-auto, and full-auto. But the most popular airsoft gun in the United States is the M4 (AR15 replica), which is used heavily in the U.S. military. The real M4 fires in three shot burst, a feature that is not easy to achieve in a mechanical airsoft gun with simple electronics.
That's where Burst Wizard King Kong Elite comes into the picture. The Burst Wizard King Kong Elite not only provides multi-burst features, but acts as a MOSFET, LiPO battery protection, and other features that only sophisticated electronics can provide to an AEG. Before we go into each of the features in detail, let's take a look at the Burst Wizard King Kong Elite.
We actually purchased the Burst Wizard King Kong Elite in order to provide semi-auto mode to an AEG that only has full-auto mode. See our Fixing Your AEG Broken Trigger Post article.
The Burst Wizard King Kong Elite came in a yellow packing envelope. Luckily, I live in the same vicinity as its vendor headquarter, so I received the product a day after I order it. Inside the yellow packing envelop, the content is stored inside a ziplock bag. The photo below shows the ziplock bag content; the Burst Wizard King Kong Elite, a wire for permanently installing the product in your AEG (optional), two shrink wrap tubes, and instruction sheet.
There are two ways to install the Burst Wizard King Kong Elite. One, it's a plug-and-play unit where you plug it into the AEG where you'd normally plug in your battery (see photo below), then you plug the battery into the Burst Wizard King Kong Elite. One nice feature of the plug-and-play method is that you can move the unit from one AEG to another quickly. The other way is similar to the first way, except you also permanently solder the Burst Wizard King Kong Elite to the trigger connector. In this second way, you can't move the Burst Wizard King Kong elite from one AEG to another. But it provides a few important features that is unavailable in the plug-and-play manner.
Burst Wizard King Kong Elite comes in two versions: 1) a Deans connector version; and 2) a mini-Tamiya version. As you can see we ordered the mini-Tamiya version. The photo below shows the Burst Wizard King Kong Elite plugged into the AEG and then a 8.4v NiMH battery plugged into the Burst Wizard King Kong Elite.
The instruction sheet says to plug the Burst Wizard King Kong Elite into the AEG first, and then plug the battery into the Burst Wizard King Kong Elite. It doesn't warn or say what would happen if you do it in reverse. My guess is that it doesn't hurt because the trigger contact is open anyway. But we haven't actually tried that.
Burst Wizard King Kong Elite is compatible with batteries ranging from 7.2 volts to 14.8 volts. You can use NiCd, NiMH, or LiPO with Burst Wizard King Kong Elite. In fact, the Burst Wizard King Kong Elite acts as a low-voltage warning device and shut-off device if you turn on the LiPO feature. When the warning and shut-off feature is turned on, Burst Wizard King Kong Elite will beep to notify you of low voltage condition. With the Burst Wizard King Kong Elite, you won't have to buy a separate LiPO battery warning device.
With the Burst Wizard King Kong Elite, simply plugging the unit inline with the battery into your gun will provide most of the features available. Only a few features requires you to hard-wire the unit into your gun.
The most basic feature is the "Burst Fire". You can configure the unit to fire in bursts when your AEG is in full-auto mode. The unit will automatically count the number of burst and stop firing when its done. If you continue to hold the trigger, the unit will automatically fire in full-auto mode. (The instruction manual calls the full-auto mode "ROF Mode Firing".) The trigger hold delay defaults to 0.6 seconds, but you can program the delay at 0.2 second intervals. Of course, Burst Wizard King Kong Elite lets you turn off full-auto altogether. Or it lets you enable full-auto only with no burst fire control.
Another feature is the "Sniper Delay". When you turn on this feature, the unit automatically set an interval after you fire the previous shot where you cannot fire another shot. This feature is to make your semi-automatic sniper rifle more realistic compared to the real firearm counterpart.
If you like to use real cap magazines, you'll like the "Magazine Change Delay" feature. You program the number of rounds of your magazine (between 1 and 99). After you fire that many rounds, the Burst Wizard King Kong Elite unit automatically stops firing to signify running out of bullets, forcing you to change mags. The delay is programmable at 1 second intervals.
Do you want to know how fast your AEG is firing? Burst Wizard King Kong Elite can tell you with its "Announce ROF" feature. Once you enter that mode, switch to full-auto mode and hold down the trigger. After firing 11 rounds, Burst Wizard King Kong Elite will beep and blink to announce your gun's rate-of-fire (ROF). Keep in mind you should shoot real BB's--rather than just dry-firing--to get an accurate number.
There are several features that Burst Wizard King Kong Elite supports, but require you to have some mechanical and electrical skills. You basically need to take the gun apart, and solder a piece of wire to the trigger contact in the gearbox and to the Burst Wizard King Kong Elite.
One of the most interesting feature in this regard is the "Tap Burst" feature. When this feature is turned on, the AEG will fire all burst rounds even when you have released the trigger pull.
There are many other burst control units on the market. However, most other units I see costs $100 and up. Burst Wizard King Kong Elite is priced at $40. The only other units I seen at the price is the Burst Avocado. However, I couldn't find a place to order the Burst Avocado anywhere in the U.S. Other more expensive units also seem to have some availability issues.
At this time, the vendor no longer sells the Burst Wizard King Kong Elite on its AEG Wizard web site. Instead it's marketing the new Burst Wizard King Kong Super 2. However, I see that the Burst Wizard King Kong Elite is still being sold on Amazon.
During this review, our Burst Wizard King Kong Elite spewed white smoke and had a bad electronic smell. After that it won't power up again. At the time we were still testing the unit on the bench while dry firing and changing its program. The gearbox probably cycled less than 50 times on our bench. We hadn't even taken it to the airsoft field.
We suspected a defective unit and contacted the vendor during the day. An hour later the vendor contacted us and asked us to ship the defective unit back for a replacement. Since we were in the same vicinity, we received the replacement unit the next day. The customer service seems to be extremely prompt and reliable.
At the time, the newer Burst Wizard King Kong Super 2 unit is out on the market. So we received that unit. Be sure to read our Burst Wizard King Kong Super 2 Review article.
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