The nub is a little tiny device that sits on the lever arm in the hop-up unit. When the hop-up is increased, the nub pushes down further on the bucking, ...
Jul 16, 2018 · From this experience, we can say that the nylon polymer plastic Picatinny interface is exceptionally strong. It's stronger than some metal ...
... hop-up unit. When the hop-up is increased, the nub pushes down further on the bucking, increasing friction to make the BB spin. For each hop-up nub, we ...
The entire bucking and nub is covered in oil. That kind of explains the inconsistency. My well-worn M4 have dry bucking. They provide very consistent results.
I have determined that the method documented in this article is a bad idea. See the "Aftermath" section below for details. The better solutions are the Bravo ...
May 27, 2014 · Using the heavier BB causes the BB to curve down slightly. A slight upward hop-up adjustment made it shoot straight onto the red dot. Jake Tue, ...
Sep 11, 2013 · My friend mentioned to me that he's concerned with the plastic hop-up unit in his DBoys M4 CQB-R. In the past week, he has gotten some MilSim ...
"Nylon polymer is far stronger and far more heat resistant compared to traditional ABS plastic. Currently, to print nylon polymer, we use extremely high quality ...
A punch will be necessary on metal mock silencer to set the drilling location. The Weaver rail comes with small flat head screws. You'll need a small flat head ...