The bottle label claims "less than 5% internal bubbles" and "each Angel Custom BB is carefully manufactured into a perfect sphere 5.98mm in diameter for zero ...
Angel Custom 0.2g vs. Matrix 0.25g Accuracy and Precision. Theory says that the heavier weight BB should travel further than the lighter weight BB.
Evike Professional Grade 6MM Airsoft BB's are the same as Angel Custom Professional Grade 6mm Airsoft BB's. See our Angel Custom Professional Grade 6mm Airsoft ...
... Professional Grade 6MM Airsoft BB (0.25 g) in this test. From our reviews, we know that Angel Custom, Evike, and Matrix BB's are manufactured by the same ...
Angel Custom Professional Grade 6mm Airsoft BB (0.2g) Review ... Did your message disappear? Read the Forums FAQ. Add Comment. Spam Control | * indicates required ...
The inner barrel on a airsoft gun is the precision chamber that guides the BB pellet to the outside world. The end of the inner barrel with the notched hole ( ...
UHC MP5 A5 Mini Electric Airsoft Gun Review. got jammed after no use in about a month then i took it apart to see and there was nothing jammed.
In this test, we tested the inner barrels in this order: 1) Angel Custom G1 Stainless Steel 6.01mm AEG Inner Barrel (110mm); 2) APS stainless steel 6.04mm ...
We used Evike Professional Grade 6MM Airsoft BB (0.20 g) in this test. 0.2 grams is the most common weight BB's. In an indoor controlled environment, BB ...
The pistol is a spring model. You cock the slide prior to firing every shot. It's fun for plinking in your backyard, but it won't be competitive at an airsoft ...