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The D-Boys BI-09 PEQ-2 Battery Box is a replica of the AN/PEQ-2 night vision laser emitter. However, the purpose of this replica is to hold airsoft battery for AEG.
We found more uses for this PEQ battery box. check out our "Accessorize Your Power Tools" article.
The D-Boys BI-09 PEQ-2 Battery Box comes in a nice transparent package shown in the photos above and below. The packaging is heavy duty to compared to any other airsoft accessories that I have seen. The bag is really thick and feels reusable.
The package contains the plastic PEQ-2 replica and a sticker sheet. Because the PEQ-2 is made out of hollow plastic, it feels rather light. The sticker sheet has two of each sticker.
This D-Boys BI-09 PEQ-2 Battery Box is a fake replica. Therefore, none of the buttons, knobs, and indicators (shown below) function. They are just there for looks.
The D-Boys BI-09 PEQ-2 Battery Box comes with a Picatinny weaver mount. The mount is made out of plastic, but is not molded onto the PEQ-2 box. Instead, two hex screws fastens the mount onto the PEQ-2 box. Therefore, you can replace the mount with another suitable mount or use the current mount for other purposes. The plastic Picatinny weaver mount has a 2.5mm hex nut (see photo below) for fastening to the rail on your gun.
It seemed to me that the length of the screw is too short. To mount it, I had unscrew it completely before I can get it to fit onto the rail. That made attaching to the rail much harder than if the screw had been slightly longer. But once I went through the hassle, the PEQ-2 mounts to the gun just fine.
The D-Boys BI-09 PEQ-2 Battery Box did not come with instructions. Therefore, it took me quite some time to figure out how to open the box. At first, I tugged the end cap, thinking that it is simply attached via fiction. But when I saw metal enforcement inside the seam, I realized that it has a more complicated mechanism.
It turned out that the mode knob on top of the box was actually a screw. Unscrewing it allowed the end cap to detach from the battery box (see photo below). There was nothing else holding the end cap in place on the box, therefore, closing the box was a two-handed operation.
After removing the end cap, it's apparent that the two replica laser lenses in front are clear plastic (see photo below). You can actually try to mount real visible or invisible lasers in this things. I may even try a pen-like flashlight in the future.
The D-Boys BI-09 PEQ-2 Battery Box is rather large. It can actually hold a 8.4v stick battery pack and a 9.6v nunchuck battery pack side-by-side with room to spare (see photo below). The internal dimension of the battery box is 2 cm x 7 cm x 12.5 cm (not including dimension of the end cap).
Normally, you'd see the PEQ-2 battery box on a M4, because the AN/PEQ-2 is a standard U.S. military issue. However, the photo below shows it mounted to a H&K MP5. Actually looks quite decent.
The photo below shows the other side of the MP5 for comparison.
Although the D-Boys BI-09 PEQ-2 Battery Box already serves it's primary function well, it is such a pity to use it only as a battery box. Afterall, it is a replica of a real night vision IR laser and illumination device (read about the real AN/PEQ-2 in "Related Links" below). Wouldn't it be nice if it is more functional? In this section, we are going to present some modification ideas for this battery box.
There are two clear lens caps in front of the PEQ-2 battery box. With some wiggling and pulling, they will come off (see photo above). One of them is attached to rubber fasteners. The pegs for the fasteners will come off if you pull hard enough. They will still fit snugly when you put them back.
The real AN/PEQ-2 device has an infrared (IR) illuminator. If you use night vision goggles, you can add a IR illuminator into the PEQ-2 batty box to light up the scene without giving your position away (unless your opponents have night vision goggles as well). This feature is relatively easy to implement in the PEQ-2 battery box if you can find an IR flashlight that fit into the box. Otherwise, you'd have to pull all of the components out of the IR flashlight and insert into the box.
IR illuminator is also easy and inexpensive to build from scratch. The "Hacking Digital Cameras" book (see "Related Links" below) has a full chapter on infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV) illumination. It includes instructions and parts list to build your own illuminator, which you can use for this project.
The real AN/PEQ-2 device has an IR laser. The IR laser behaves just like a red or a green laser, except it is not visible to the opponents unless they are wearing night vision goggles. However, there is a certain level of danger and risk of using an IR laser. Because naked human eyes can't see the IR beam, it's possible to put your eyes in front of the beam without realizing that the laser is damaging your eyes. Therefore, FDA regulates IR lasers to be sold only to military and law enforcement personnels.
That doesn't prevent you from building your own IR laser and inserting it into the PEQ-2 battery box. Just be aware of the danger and risk to prevent anyone from being injured by your IR laser device.
If you don't have use for night vision, or just don't want to deal with the cost of night vision equipment (they are expensive), you might want to put visible light functionality into the PEQ-2 battery box. A small, but bright flashlight is a pretty good idea. Find a penlight and add a remote switch is a easy project for this box.
Making the PEQ-2 battery box into a visible laser sight it probably one of the most useful features you can add. With a laser sight for targeting, you don't need a secondary sight on your gun. It even allows you to fire accurately from the hip. It makes the PEQ-2 battery box serve dual purpose. And it makes the box more realistic to its purpose as well.
We have successfully installed a red laser sight into the battery box. Take a look at this article: Installing a Laser Sight into the DBoys PEQ-2 Battery Box.
There are two lens openings on the PEQ-2 box. you can actually mount two visible lasers into the box. Why would you want to do that? Confuse the enemy, of course. Putting two red dots on the enemy makes them think there are two combatants on your side. You can use it as decoy to help your team mates flank.
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