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Revision: 20131027_133126 | All Revisions
There are several differences in the APS M4 receiver that made the Modify Well Lock Bracer installation a bit different than standard installation.
First of all, the APS gearbox is typically a electric blowback (EBB) model. Therefore, the EBB plate strikes the STS. The solution I chose is to disable the EBB on the gearbox. (See "Disable Electronic Blowback on APS Airsoft Guns" thread).
Second, the APS M4 receiver magazine well has more metal and is more sturdy than the standard M4 receiver. Therefore, the magazine well actually blocks the hex screws (see photo below). The correct solution is probably to file out the receiver to reveal the hex screws.
I used a rotary tool with a metal circular file to drill out two half circle pattern in the lower receiver. The photo below shows the spots that had been filed on the lower receiver. With the holes filed, I was able to insert a 2mm hex wrench to tighten the Modify Well Lock Bracer.