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LiPo and LiFePO batteries have really changed the capabilities of hobby electronics. These new battery types have high capacity density and a high discharge rate, with is excellent for most hobby applications. Airsoft electronic guns (AEG) falls right into that category.
The only drawback to LiPo is its danger of overcharging and overdischarging. LiFePO is much safer in tese regards, but will still be damaged in those cases. With years of use in the hobby industry, it is somewhat surprising that the industry hasn't built protection circuits directly into the battery packs. Instead, it is up to each hobbist to ensure the batteries aren't damaged. That's where the Bluecell LiPo Digital Battery Voltage Checker comes in.
The Bluecell LiPo Digital Battery Voltage Check is a small circuit board with a big LCD and several pins at the edge (see photo below). It has numerous surface mount components and is protected in clear shrink wrap.