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As you get more serious about playing airsoft as a sport, you have no doubt thought about camouflaged battle dress uniforms (BDU). But even the most inexpensive BDU shirt and pants costs a minimum of $30 a piece. They average around $60 a piece and can cost over $100 in some cases. Then you have to consider that there are Desert Camouflage Uniform (DCU), woodland green, Universal Camouflage Pattern (UCP), and many urban varieties. Buying all these different uniforms for different environments is a costly expenditure.
But if you really think about the purpose of camouflage, you'd realize it is about blending in. So any clothing will work, as long as it helps you blend in. For example, if you are defending a building with purple wall, then a purple shirt will probably be a better camouflage than anything else.
With that in mind, there are actually a lot of camouflage options at your local department store that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. You may even be able to assemble all of the different camouflage patterns for the price of a full BDU. In this thread, we'll take a look at some of these options.
Wed, 13 Nov 2013 23:47:31 +0300
Walmart has the camouflaged thermo shirts (shown in the photo below) for $10 each. They have the urban camo one on the left and the woodland green one on the right. They are long sleeve, so it's perfect for airsoft BB protection. The urban camo shirt will probably do decently in a dark urban scene, while the woodland green will be good for heavy foliage areas.
Wed, 13 Nov 2013 23:50:17 +0300
If you want to save even more hard earned cash, try the tan and green long-sleeve shirt shown below. They are only $7 at Walmart. The full tan shirt will probably be a better camouflage on a desert field with no foliage. And the green shirt will be perfect for the foliage heavy areas.
Wed, 13 Nov 2013 23:52:15 +0300
To finish up your BDU, try the following cargo pants from Target for $20 each. The urban camo cargo pants doesn't exactly match the urban camo thermo shirt above, but camo isn't just one color right? The tan cargo pants is perfect with the tan shirt for a southern Californa desert field. The extra cargo pants pockets can even serve as dump pouchs and other utilities.
Thu, 14 Nov 2013 00:01:40 +0300
AirSplat MULTI-CAM Camo BDU Uniform Set for $29.99. The set includes the jacket and the pants. That comes out to about $15 each, which is quite comparable in price to the inexpensive non-combat clothing presented above... and you get real MultiCam camouflage.
Wed, 08 Oct 2014 21:29:40 +0400
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