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Whenever someone talks about changing the velocity of their airsoft electric gun (AEG), they are generally talking about changing the FPS by using a different spring. If they want to increase the FPS, they are talking about using a stronger spring. If they want to decrease the FPS, they are talking about using a softer spring. Few people talk about changing the FPS by using an inner barrel.
Why is that? I don't know. But the "Effect of Inner Barrel Length on Airsoft BB Velocity" article clearly shows that the FPS can be changed quite easily with a different inner barrel. And that's a good thing if you are using the same gun for indoor and outdoor fields, because changing the inner barrel doesn't require you to take the gearbox apart. You can change the inner barrel in about five minutes. Stainless steel inner barrel costs around $30, but if you look for sales, you can find them for $10 to $15. If you are thinking of upgrading your inner barrel anyway, this is a good way to go. When you change to a shorter inner barrel to decrease FPS, you don't have to change the exterior length of your gun, unless you want to. On the other hand, when you increase FPS by changing to a longer barrel, you'll want to get a longer mock silencer or external barrel to hide it.
Taking the gearbox apart and putting it back together is not a trivil task. It usually take about thirty minutes to an hour to break the entire gun and gearbox down and back together again. Unless, of course, you have an APS hybrid with the quick spring change feature. By the way, I highly recommend the APS hybrid gearbox for this one reason. And springs cost around $5 to $10, which is some what cheaper than the inner barrel. But there is really one good reason to change the FPS using different spring. That reason is because you don't want to change the length of your gun. Maybe the length of your gun is perfect, and you don't want to increase its length to increase FPS. In that case, maybe the spring is your only choice. You can use the "Airsoft Spring Power Chart" to approximate the spring you need.
Keep in mind that unlike changing the inner barrel, if you increase the spring rate without upgrading the gearbox internals, you are just waiting for the gearbox to blow up. Ok. I'm just exaggerating, but recently, I have stripped the piston in my APS gearbox because I upgraded its spring without upgrading to high torque gears and motor. So be ready to upgraded all your gearbox internals if you upgrade the spring rate. On the other hand, if you are downgrading the velocity with a spring, then you are ok, because the gearbox can already handle the higher spring rate.
As you can see, both springs and inner barrel are good way to make adjustments to your AEG. The inner barrel is easy to change when you go from one field to another. But it may require changes to the size of your rifle. If that is not an option, changing the spring is the way to go. But it may require you to beef up the gearbox internals. Both method has its advantages and disadvantages. I hope this write-up will help you make the best decision on changing the velocity of your airsoft gun.
Mon, 11 Nov 2013 07:37:10 +0300
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Title: Tips on Changing the Inner Barrel
Weblog: GearHack
Excerpt: I have been changing the inner barrel of my gun out a lot recently to run some velocity, accuracy, and precision tests. I've learned a few tips and tricks that I wanted to share. - When removing the inner barrel from the hop-up unit, turn the hop-up unit upside down. That would prevent the hop-up sp . . .
Tracked: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 02:55:21 +0300
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